Having an Emergency? Emergency Vet Care in Boston, MA
We’re available to provide emergency vet care in Boston, MA during our regular office hours for dogs and cats. Life happens, and some things simply can’t wait. Just give us a call or drive right over and our team will be ready to receive you. We’ll assess the situation and do everything we can to put you and your pet at ease.
If you’re uncertain about your pet’s condition, call us at (617) 247-2273.
What if My Dog and Cat have an Vet Emergency After Hours?
Don't worry; you have options! We're proud to partner with GuardianVets to provide after-hours "tele-triage" services. If you call after hours with a vet emergency, you'll be transferred through to this service and receive the support you need from a licensed veterinarian or credentialed veterinary technician. They'll answer any questions you have, assess your pet's situation, and instruct you in what to do next.
Additionally, there are a couple of outstanding 24-hour emergency referral hospitals nearby. If your pet pays a visit to one of these hospitals, the hospital will fax all of your pet’s treatment information to our practice, and we’ll be able to follow up with you and your pet the very next day.