Why is My Cat Acting Aggressive All of a Sudden?

Welcome, pet owners! At Back Bay Veterinary Clinic in Boston, Massachusetts, we’ve often encountered worried cat parents asking, “Why is my cat acting aggressive all of a sudden?” Feline behavior can indeed be complex, so if you’ve noticed a sudden shift in your kitty’s demeanor, it’s crucial to understand why and learn how to best…

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Dog Zoomies: Why Do They Do This in Boston, MA?

dog zoomies in boston ma

As a pet parent, have you ever observed your canine companion suddenly start sprinting around the house, yard, or park with a burst of energy? You might have thought, “What’s gotten into my usually calm dog?” That frantic and seemingly random behavior is often referred to as “dog zoomies.”  Understanding this phenomenon can not only…

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Tips for Caring for an Exotic Pet in Boston, MA

Caring for an Exotic Pet in Boston, MA

Owning and caring for an exotic pet comes with specific responsibilities to ensure their well-being and happiness. In this blog, we will provide valuable insights and expert tips on how to properly care for birds, rabbits, ferrets, small mammals, and reptiles, all tailored to promote a safe, healthy, and enriching environment. Let’s dive in! Birds…

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Can Cats See in the Dark in Boston, MA?

can cats see in the dark in boston, ma

For years, cats have been known to have extraordinary vision. Cats can see six times better than humans in low light conditions and at night. Cats also have a wider field of view than humans. Scientists believe that cats’ eyesight has evolved to help them survive in the wild, so it isn’t farfetched to learn…

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Ways to Keep a Dog Safe in Winter in Boston, MA

Ways to keep a dog safe in winter in Boston, MA

Dogs are part of many families, indoor or outdoor animals, and although most are loved and cared for, accidents happen as much as we might think otherwise. Understanding how to keep a dog safe in the winter is essential. Ways to keep a dog safe in the winter can vary depending on the dog’s breed…

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Safest Dog Toys for a Puppy in Boston, MA

Safest Dog Toys for a Puppy in Boston, MA

Several dog toys can be a great addition to your puppy’s toy box. Toys that squeak, jingle, or make other noises can entertain your pup for hours. However, it is important to choose the safest type of toy for your pet. Certain toys, such as sharp objects, can be dangerous for a puppy. Some of…

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5 Benefits of Veterinary Acupuncture for Dogs & Cats in Boston, MA

5 Benefits of Veterinary Acupuncture for Dogs & Cats in Boston, MA

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for many different conditions, both in humans and animals. In veterinary medicine, acupuncture is becoming more popular as pet parents are looking for alternatives and complements to traditional pain medication.  We’ve seen the difference acupuncture can make to a patient’s quality of life and are happy to…

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Boston Pet Owners: 8 Symptoms of Heartworms in Dogs

heartworm symptoms in dogs in boston, ma

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially deadly disease that can affect dogs, cats and ferrets, as well as wild canine species.  In the US, cases of heartworm disease have been reported in all 50 states, as well as in other parts of the world. In this article, we’ll go over the common symptoms of…

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Why Does My Dog Keep Scratching for No Reason in Boston, MA?

dog keeps scratching in boston, ma

Scratching is a common issue among dogs, and it’s especially hard to watch when your dog appears to be very itchy, uncomfortable, and even scratching doesn’t bring any relief. Some breeds are predisposed to “atopic dermatitis,” or itchy skin, such as German Shepherds, French Bulldogs, Labrador Retrievers, and some terrier breeds. Atopic dermatitis happens because…

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Dog Flu Symptoms in Boston, MA: What to Look Out for

dog flu symptoms in boston, ma

What Is Dog Flu? Dog flu, or canine influenza, is a respiratory disease in dogs that is very contagious, and caused by a Type A influenza virus. It can also affect cats.  There are two different strains of dog flu that have identified in the US, H3N8 and H3N2.  H3N8 was first noted in 2004…

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